Smart Tips to Save on Your Electricity Bill While Using Your AC


As temperatures rise, so can your electricity bills, especially in areas where air conditioning is a must to combat the heat. However, staying cool doesn’t necessarily have to mean skyrocketing costs. Here are some energy-efficient tips that can help you keep your home comfortable while also keeping your electricity bill in check.

Efficient AC Use:

  1. Upgrade to an Energy-Efficient Model:

If your air conditioner is more than ten years old, it might be time for an upgrade. Modern air conditioners are more energy-efficient, with higher SEER ratings that can significantly reduce your electricity usage.

  1. Regular Maintenance:

Make sure to get annual maintenance performed on your air conditioning system. An AC unit that is kept up properly consumes less energy and operates more efficiently.

Clean or replace your AC filters every month during high-use seasons to improve airflow and efficiency.

  1. Smart Thermostat Installation:

Invest in a smart thermostat. These devices adjust the temperature based on your schedule and preferences, reducing unnecessary cooling when you’re not home.

Setting your thermostat to a higher setting when you are away can save you 10% annually on your cooling costs.

  1. Utilize Ceiling Fans:

Use ceiling fans along with your AC to spread cooled air more effectively through your rooms. This allows you to raise the thermostat setting about 4°F with no reduction in comfort.

  1. Optimize Home Insulation:

Seal leaks around doors, windows, and air ducts to prevent cool air from escaping. This ensures that every cool breeze your AC produces is utilized to lower the temperature inside your home.

Insulate the walls, floors, and attics. This can prevent heat gain through your house’s envelope, lessening the load on your AC.

Lifestyle Adjustments to Reduce AC Use:

  1. Block Out the Sun:

 Use curtains, blinds, or shades during the hottest part of the day. This simple action can lower the temperature in your room, reducing the need for air conditioning.

  1. Ventilate During Cooler Hours:

In areas where temperatures drop at night, turn off the AC and open your windows while you sleep. Close the windows and blinds to capture the cool air when the sun rises.

  1. Consider Using Heat Generating Appliances During Cooler Times:

Steer clear of the stove and oven during the warmest hours of the day. Instead, opt for microwave cooking, or better yet, grill outside. Similarly, consider running dishwashers and dryers during the evening when it’s cooler.

Using your air conditioner doesn’t have to mean exorbitant electricity bills. By implementing these smart, energy-efficient tips, you can enjoy a cooler home and manage your energy costs effectively. Remember, the key to saving on your electricity bill is as much about reducing energy consumption as it is about enhancing your home’s overall energy efficiency.

The post Smart Tips to Save on Your Electricity Bill While Using Your AC appeared first on Artic Air.
